
Monday, August 08, 2005

Transition. Activity. Inspiration. Organization. Relationship. Moving. Searching. Spending. Traveling.

Since graduation from massage school on June 18th, life has been a constant transition. My first performance as a member of the ritual theater fire troupe Dreaming Phoenix was the night before the graduation ceremony and my second performance was the night of graduation, the same night Michael and I hosted a graduation party at our house in the canyon. Michael and I arrived back from the performance to our house just in time to spin some fire for our classmates, hang out for a little while, and say our goodbyes to people as the party came to a close. This speaks to my general experience since then--too much going on, but all very interesting.

I have found a beautiful office to practice massage in and have had a couple of sessions in the space in between travels. I just signed a lease for it with two other people, Michael and a guy named Benjamin who calls his business Creative Vision Healing. I look forward to really growing my practice and falling into a routine with Massage and Healing. I love it and know the clients will be there once I have enough time to put my own energy into letting people know I am present. I am really interested in working with women who are on spiritual and self-care/ self-healing retreats because I think that women are more open to exploring and experimenting with what they need for their own healing in that type of setting compared to going to the massage therapist after a long day of work and just wanting a rub down (which of course is very valuable and valid as well). I hope to get to a place where I have a good balance of different kinds of people wanting different kinds of work on different levels from physical to spiritual.

I have moved out of the house in the Canyon. As of August 1st the whole house has been changed over--all new people in the space. It was very sad to leave such a beautiful spot. So many animals, the creek, the mountains, and my Fourmile Canyon human family. The landlord will not be missed however, will his ever-present and admonishing tone. We don't expect much of a security deposit back. Just because. And really, I think he got the better end of the deal in the end, having had our labor to clean out the house, the garage that had accumulated junk from tenants up to five years past. We sent three full truck + trailer loads to the dump at our own expense and paid the landlord for his time to drive the load to the dump. Man oh man. So much happened in that house while we lived there, a lot of creation and destruction, processing, laughter and rowdiness, quietude and solitude, nudity, shared meals, drumming, fighting, lovemaking, caretaking, friendship, and heart to hearts. I've never lived in such a community of people, there were eight of us there, but not always the same eight. Everyone was beautiful, and I am so thankful to have had the experience of living so fully with those people: Jenna, Regan, Billy, Chris, Michael, Aaron, and Noah. We are all dispersed now, and none of us really have a home right now, which is kind of funny. Go team.

Michael and I decided to get a place together in town. It was an arduous and tumultuous task to find a place we both liked (well, really, a place that Michael liked, he's seems to be a bit pickier about where he builds his nest at this point). Finally, we found a place in the middle of a lovely homeowner's neighborhood four blocks from the main drag and ten blocks from my office. It's a three bedroom apartment in a converted Victorian home. We each have one bedroom and well, our third bedroom is still available. Aaron said he would move in, but now he is in the midst of suffering indecision. The search continues for a housemate, and there are only 9 days until we move in, so I am feeling a crunch and the knotting of anxiety in my stomach. Fabulous. If you know anyone who needs a room in Boulder, have them call me 303.257.7679...that's my new cell phone number for those who don't know. It was finally time to give up the old Key West number, a difficult decision after eight years with it. But, anyway, soon I will be living in town and settling into the next phase of experience in relationship with Michael--the work and pay rent phase. But for now, we are storing our stuff in Michael's friend Mark's house and traveling a lot.

Michael and I have been traveling a ton since graduation touring with Dreaming Phoenix. We spent a lot of time in Paonia, Colorado performing at Dreamtime, a BMW Bike Rally, and at the local Independence Day celebration. We just had two gigs in Crestone, Colorado on the 5th and 6th of August at the Crestone Music Festival. I love the group, the performing, and the learning that naturally comes with it. What the challenge has been is trying to find some sense of nurture and stability amongst all of the preparation, travel, and chaos. There are more dates coming up as we travel to Burningman at the end of August through the first week of September, maybe travel to Northern California for Earthdance late September, and go to Taos, New Mexico at the beginning of October. There is not much time to live in our new house before we are off again twirling fireballs in the night, but I certainly am looking forward to being still for a while and really focusing on massage when the weather changes and the summertime festivals have finished.

In the midst of everything I take the National Certification Exam for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, scheduled for September 13th. So, after getting home to Boulder from the big festival, I will have to cram for the test. Not that exciting, but I am looking forward to finishing the process and being able to legitimately advertise myself as NCTMB, instead of just CMT (Certified Massage Therapist), which I am now. With that I can really travel anywhere in the states and practice massage.

Right now, I am actually in Key West visiting my parents. I took the time in between houses and performance dates to get home to the folks for a week. They recently moved as well, so here I will have the task of sorting through my possessions that they have so kindly stored for me for so long. What do I want to take with me, what can I let go of, and what do I need them to keep storing because I am just not ready to say goodbye to it yet or not ready to fully accept it into my space. I will have time to just hang out here, too, which is a blessing as I haven't visited for long enough to just rest for over a year. Always quick, focused trips and then I am gone again. I look forward to sitting on the beach and looking out over the ocean for a long, long time. maybe I will sing a little while I'm there.

I am heading back to Boulder on the 16th, we move into the new house on the 17th, and we are off to Burningman on the 23rd. I hope to get some clients in on the 18th-22nd while I am in Boulder and to find a housemate before I return.

I love you all so much, and hope you are well and happy and finding fulfillment in the places where you give your energy.

Peace and Blessings,

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